Special Object:


Melotte 111

A huge, naked-eye open cluster that basically suggested the name of this 'hairy' constellation. Mel 111 is in the very last place you would think to find an open cluster! The stars appear to hang down from the 4m star gamma Comae.

Binocular Astronomy (ToC)

Table of Contents

Andromeda to Bootes
Camelopardus to Cygnus
Delphinus to Gemini
Hercules to Lyra
Monoceros to Orion
Pegasus to Piscis Austrinus
Sagitta to Sextans
Taurus to Vulpecula
Antlia to Crux
Dorado to Lupus
Mensa to Octans
Pavo to Pyxis
Reticulum to Volans

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